Mushroom Appetizer and Starter Recipes
Hen of the Woods Mushroom Fritters
How to Eat Matsutake Raw
French Wild Mushrooms Bordelaise
Steamed Hericium with Butter and Herbs
Warm Pickled Chanterelles with Brie, Sourdough and Wild Greens
Puffball Hummus
Stuffed Shaggy Parasol Mushrooms
Lions Mane Crabcakes
Puffball Caviar
Wild Mushrooms With Garlic And Parsley
Lobster Mushroom Cakes
Scaber Stalk-Gruyere Fritters
Fried Oyster Mushrooms
Parmesan Crusted Shaggy Manes
Chanterelle Custard / Pot du Creme
Wild Mushrooms With Breadcrumbs, Garlic, And Chili
Slippery Jack Escargot: With Garlic Butter, Parsley And Breadcrumbs
Gyromitra Gratinée
Classic Fried or Breaded Morels