Garlic Mustard Recipes
Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is well-liked by plenty of foragers, but is a hard sell for people that don't like bitter greens. It's an invasive plant you can harvest as much of as you like.
Garlic Mustard Ricotta | Garlic Mustard Shoots with Ramp Butter
Wild Greens with Garlic and Chili | Erbazzone (Italian Wild Greens Pie) Prebboggion: The Wild Edible Plants of Liguria
Edible Parts
Harvest the leaves before the plant makes flowers or they'll be tough.
The early growth from the previous year's seed can be used as a sprout.
The shoots are the mildest part of the plant and my personal favorite.
Flowers and Tips
The young growing tips and buds make a good substitute for broccoli raab.
The roots can be washed and grated like horseradish, although it's not as good.
Working with bitter greens
To get around the bitterness, I often cook it in a blend of greens to calm it's flavor down, use it in a spicy dish like curry or saag, or mix it with something rich like my ricotta recipe.
Proper Removal
Garlic mustard poses a serious danger to native plants in North America. I often see a few handfuls of cut leaves shared by people who think they're doing a good thing by eating a little. It's a nice idea, but cutting the plant above the ground does nothing to stop its spread.
To remove the plant from an area, it must be uprooted before the flowers show. Most people I know put it in garbage bags and let it die in the sun before disposing of it.
Fermented Dandelion or Wild Lettuce Kimchi
Horta: Greek Wild Greens with Olive Oil and Lemon
Green Burgers / Spinach Patties
Garlic Mustard Pesto
Orecchiette alla Barese
Fave e Cicoria (Fava Bean Purée with Wild Chicory)
Preboggion: The Wild Edible Plants of Liguria
Erbazzone (Italian Wild Greens Pie)
Foraged Greens with Garlic and Paprika (Tsigarelli)
Lebanese Dandelions with Caramelized Onions (Hindbeh)
Minestrella: Italian Stew of Many Greens
Garlic Mustard Ricotta
Garlic Mustard Shoots with Ramp Butter
Garlic Mustard: A Dangerous Invasive Edible
Cicoria in Padella (Greens with Garlic and Chili)
Veal Liver with Mushrooms, Bacon and Onions