Matsutake Recipes
Matsutake mushrooms (Tricholoma matsutake and others) are a group of edible wild mushrooms prized around the world for their flavor and texture. I like to compare their aroma to a combination of pine soil and spice. They're one of the most important mushrooms in Traditional Japanese cuisine.
Matsutake Miso Soup | Matsutake Fried Rice | How to Eat Matsutake Mushrooms Raw |
General Cooking and Tips
These are unlike any other mushroom I've cooked with, for a few different reasons. Here's a few tips.
- Unlike most mushrooms, matsies do not pair well with butter, cheese or dairy.
- They can be eaten raw, cut into slices and dipped in oil or a dressing made with soy for an exciting appetizer.
- Soup and rice dishes like gohan are two of the most classic things you can make with them.
- Keep it simple. The more ingredients you combine in a dish with them the less you will taste them.
- They can be cut or torn into pieces and frozen, then added directly to what you're making from the freezer.