Highbush Cranberry Recipes
Highbush cranberries, also known as Viburnum trilobum are an edible wild fruit of a shrub found across North America. They have a tart flavor reminiscent of cranberries.
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Fruit Scrap Vinegar | Highbush Cranberry-Ginger Jelly | Highbush Cranberry Hot Sauce | Highbush Cranberry Sauce |
American vs European
Many people incorrectly assume that the fruit of this plant tastes bitter and terrible, with an aroma that's best described as similar to wet dog.
Pro Tip
The European High bush cranberry smells terrible and tastes bitter. The native North American species is mild, tart, and pleasant. To tell the different species apart, smell and taste one of the fruits.
HBC are typically processed into juice for cooking. This is done by mashing the fruit as you would grapes and straining out the juice.
It's extremely important that you do not cook the fruit with the seeds in it as the juice will become bitter with cooking.